Introducing the learner data dashboards to the industries of Hanga Aro Rau. They have been created for research purposes from Tertiary Education Commission database. For more information about TEC data, please visit Reporting and data collection | Tertiary Education Commission.
The dashboard presents comprehensive information on enrolment numbers and completion numbers for learners in vocational education and training, categorized by qualifications that fall within each WDC’s responsibility. It also includes a demographic breakdown by age, gender, and ethnicity and enrolment trends by learner type and NZQF level.
At the bottom of each dashboard, you will find arrow buttons for easy navigation between different tabs. To access all the content in the learners’ dashboards, click on the home icon on the top left corner, that will take you to the home page or you can click on the menu displayed on the left side of each dashboard to navigate to the tab of your choice.