Introducing the Hanga-Aro-Rau data dashboards — a set of tools designed to provide analysis and visualisation for various sectors. At the bottom of each dashboard, you'll find arrow buttons for easy navigation between different dashboards. To access all the content in the workforce dashboards, click on the home icon on the top left corner, that will take you to the home page or you can click on the menu displayed on the left side of each dashboard to navigate to the tab of your choice.
The workforce in Hanga-Aro-Rau industries is approximately 544,000 people, which is about 20% of Aotearoa New Zealand workforce.
This dashboard derives information from StatsNZ IDI. 50 to 60 per cent of the workforce in our industries remain in one job for the duration of their working years and less than 10 per cent more people change jobs but remain in the industry. There are more new entrants to our industries who come from overseas than from secondary school.
Data dictionary and caveats to information
Industries were divided between Workforce Development Councils based on Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class codes.
The ANZSIC is used by Stats NZ for standardized collection, analysis and dissemination of economic data on an industry basis. The ANZSIC is a hierarchical classification with four levels; Divisions (the broadest level), Subdivisions, Groups and Classes (the finest level). Click here to find out more about the ANZSIC.
While ANZSIC class codes are the most detailed industry classification available, these classifications vary in their precision. This can mean it is not always immediately obvious to industries which ANZSIC class code they belong to. A full list of what is included and excluded from each class code is provided as part of the ANZSIC classification. The detailed classification | Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The majority of self-employment data is sourced from annual tax returns. Therefore, 2021 employer number is still incomplete due to the time lag in reporting of employer's tax return. To avoid confusion, the 2021 employer number has been set to zero.