Sector insights
  • $70 bn
    GDP contribution which is 19.5% of national GDP from the manufacturing, engineering and logistics industries in 2022
  • 530,000
    total workforce in manufacturing, engineering and logistics industries in 2022
  • 80,000
    businesses operating in the manufacturing, engineering and logistic industries in 2022
  • 29,000
    Learners enrolled in manufacturing, engineering and logistics related qualifications/programmes in 2022


Hanga-Aro-Rau Workforce Development Council represents the manufacturing, engineering and logistics industries including wood manufacturing, bakery, butchery, mechanical, automotive and marine engineering, dairy processing, extractives and drilling, and transport.

We ensure our sectors lead and influence the vocational education system and its transformation.

Mā wai te huarahi e hora? Mā ngā ahumahi!
Who will pave the pathway forward? Industry will!